Thank you for your interest in volunteering at our 2024 St. Louis Earth Day Festival: Climate Action 

Information provided on this form is to register you to volunteer with earthday365 at the St. Louis Earth Day Festival. Your profile will be created in our database and you will be sent an email link to view your Profile and to sign up, view/cancel volunteer shifts for this event.

The safety of our community is important to all of us. For the safety of others, please stay home if you have any symptoms of illness. 

If under 18 years old
, please add a parent/guardian email for them to receive and sign the waiver and photo release for your participation. A link to a printable version will be sent to your email.

It is important to the sanity of our volunteer Volunteer Coordinator that there is an efficient process for sending communications to all volunteers. Be certain to OPT IN to getting text communications from us when prompted. There won't be many but they will have important information about your volunteer role and automatically send you a copy of the assigned shifts you have selected.